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How to get used to wearing barefoot shoes

Barefoot shoes are more than just a trend - they represent a return to more natural movement and offer a variety of foot health benefits. But for beginners, the transition to barefoot shoes can be challenging. In this guide, you'll learn how to get used to wearing barefoot shoes and take full advantage of the many benefits of this minimalist shoe choice.

Why barefoot shoes?

Before we get into how to get used to wearing barefoot shoes, it's important to understand why more and more people are embracing this shoe trend. Barefoot shoes encourage natural foot movement, strengthen the muscles and tendons in the foot, and can help improve balance. They allow the foot to move freely and adapt to different surfaces, resulting in an overall healthier foot structure.

Gradual adjustment

The transition to barefoot shoes should be gradual to avoid overuse or injury. Start by only wearing your barefoot shoes for short periods of time - perhaps during your daily walks or while shopping. Allow your feet and muscles to slowly get used to the new way of walking and running.

The right technology

When wearing barefoot shoes, correct running technique is crucial. Make sure you land with the ball or middle of your foot first and gently roll your foot to absorb the impact. Avoid severe impacts to the heel or toes, as is often the case with traditional shoes.

Strengthening the foot muscles

One of the big benefits of barefoot shoes is that they strengthen the foot muscles. Because these shoes provide less cushioning and support than traditional shoes, the muscles in the foot must work actively to ensure stability and balance. Over time, your foot muscles become stronger and more resilient, which not only improves walking and running performance but also reduces the risk of injury.

Pay attention to your feet

As your feet get used to wearing barefoot shoes, it's important to pay attention to how your body feels. Take time to feel how your feet feel and pay attention to any signs of strain or discomfort. If you experience foot pain or discomfort, take a break and give your feet time to recover.

Versatility of barefoot shoes

Barefoot shoes are not only suitable for running, but also for a variety of other activities. You can wear them while hiking, working out at the gym, or even in everyday life. The versatility of these shoes allows you to enjoy the benefits of barefoot walking in different areas of life.

Patience and persistence

Transitioning to barefoot shoes requires patience and persistence. It may take some time for your feet to fully adjust to the new way of walking and running. Be patient with yourself and give your body the time it needs to adjust.


Wearing barefoot shoes can be a rewarding experience that leads to improved foot health, muscle strengthening, and more natural movement. With the right approach and a little patience, even beginners can enjoy the many benefits of this minimalist shoe choice. Start slowly, listen to your body and be inspired by the many benefits of running barefoot.